What you can expect as a Correspondent…

For you as a (citizen) journalist today there are many challenges if you want to provide relevant and high-quality news.

How do I find an appreciative audience? What is it that really interests the audience? How can I distinguish myself from others? How can I become better in my vocation? How is my work sustainably financed?

Be a Correspondent:

LocalCorrespondent enables you to make your contributions accessible to a larger audience, to develop together with other correspondents, to build trusting relationships with your audience and to present your work worldwide. On our website you can learn more about our current plans.

Your contributions will be found!

LocalCorrespondent will be a networking point for correspondents and locals worldwide. As a first means to get information about an event, LoCo overcomes the barriers of discourse that arise from closed distribution structures or fundamental information imbalances.


How can you and your news be found from the other end of the world? Don’t want to get lost in a big pool of reports anymore? Do you want a broader audience that appreciates your work without relying on clickbait and ads?


On our map, your contributions can be found quickly and specifically by sorting functions.

Journalism is a democratic good; we want to make this visible again with you and LoCo!


You can give your contributions suitable tags to be found by locals. Under ‘Events’ you will be listed if you report on a major event, for which there are many reports from correspondents. In order to show the diversity of your contributions, we present all your reports on a completely equal basis, so that no reporting bubble can arise among the locals. The diversity of your reports contributes to a transparent democracy.


The success of each of your new contributions is therefore determined by their quality and news value.


In order to make your contributions comprehensible worldwide, we plan to integrate modern automatic translation functions.

Make yourself independent!

At LoCo you are independent. There is no one who decides for you what to research or not. The only people you are committed to are your supporters.


Locals can thank you for your contribution and send money to your channel easily. Whether once or as Supporters regularly.


For the pre-financing of larger projects or purchases we plan to offer crowdfunding solutions.


You have control over what your financing strategy looks like. We give you the tools so that you can easily decide whether a contribution is pay-as-you-like, protected by a paywall, or only your supporter:in.


LocalCorrespondent will finance itself from a fraction of the support sent to you.

Network and create a community!

As a correspondent, you can collaborate with others in channels. Channels are the work unit at LocalCorrespondent; be your own editor! Channels are the framework in which contributions are presented and allow the presentation of your own topics in special channels and the publishing with many other correspondents in common channels. For example, international research projects.

In order to improve quality and collaboration, we want to offer a training portal.

Protect yourself and your contributions!

Your safety is especially important to us. Therefore we allow you to publish under a pseudonym. To prevent misuse of the platform and in case of legal disputes, we will check and secure your identity when you register as a correspondent and will store it separately from your contributions at LocalCorrespondent. From this moment on you will only be listed under a technical pseudonym. You decide how publicly you want to handle your data.

Let’s bring journalism into the 21st century together!

We developed LocalCorrespondent for you! We are looking forward to having a  conversation with you.

Send us an e-mail!